香菇]別名冬菇、菊花菇。為菌科植物香菇的子實(shí)體。富含脂肪豆、碳水化合物、維生素等成份,[食用方法]溫開水浸泡復(fù)原后,供炒食或煲湯食用。[薇菜]別名牛毛廣、牛毛廣東。生長在林中濕地、林緣、灌木叢中。富含胡蘿卜素、維生素及多種礦物質(zhì)。[食用方法]沸水煮后,清水浸泡復(fù)原供炒食或腌制食用。[蕨菜]別名蕨兒菜、拳頭菜。系長白山純天然綠色食品。生長在山坡向陽處、林緣、林間空地,味道鮮美。富含蛋白質(zhì)、脂肪及多種維生素。[食用方法]沸水煮后,清水浸泡復(fù)原后供炒食或腌制食用。[猴頭蘑]別名猬菌、刺猬菌。生長在闊葉樹的活木、倒木或腐木上,屬天然綠色食品。富含蛋白質(zhì)、脂肪及多種維生素。[食用方法]沸水煮后,清水浸泡復(fù)原后供炒食或燉食。[元蘑]別名凍蘑、冬蘑。系長白山食用菌中的美味佳品,生長在椴木等闊葉樹的倒木、枯立木、伐樁上,是純天然綠色食品。富含蛋白質(zhì)、脂肪及多種維生素。[食用方法]溫開水浸泡復(fù)原后,供炒食、燉食或煲湯。吉衛(wèi)食證字(2007)第220681-SC0011號[執(zhí)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)] Q/JLLS13-2009[產(chǎn)品規(guī)格] 100g/盒[貯藏方法]陰涼密封防蛀[制 造 商]吉林省利生源生物制品有限公司[廠址]吉林省臨江市大湖街道利生源大街58號[銷售熱線](0439)5251988[傳真](0439)5250888E-mail:lsyswzpyxgs@yahoo.com.cnhttp://www.jllsy.comMountainDelicacy SeriesProducts[Black fungus] alias: mushroom ear, edible fungus. Edible fungi treasures in Changbai Mountain area. It grows up in the fallen wood, stumps and dead standing wood ofbroadleaved trees such as oak, belonging topure natural green food. It is rich in protein, fat and various vitamins. With the functions of qi-invigorating,lung-moistening, hemostasis, blood pressure-lowering, lipid-clearing, it is well-known as “vascular scavenger” of the name. At the same time, it is also the health food in trades of mining, textiles, hair-dressing, etc.[Consumption method] After recovery from warm water immersion, it can be used for frying, mixing cold food or making soup.[Hazel mushroom] alias: honey mushroom, Armillaria mushroom. It commonly grows in the root or stem base of various broad-leaved trees or coniferous trees, belonging to pure natural green food. Rich in protein, fat, calcium and vitamins. It bears the functions ofexpelling wind andcirculating luo, strengthening gluten and bones. It is an ideal health food for home consumption.[Method for human consumption] After recovery from warm water immersion, it can be used for frying, stewing or braising soup.[Pleurotus citrinopileatus] alias: Jade mushroom, Pleurotus mushrooms. It commonly grows in the fallen wood, dead standing wood, or stumps ofbroadleaved trees such aselm, and has delicious taste. It is rich in aspartic acid, threonine and glutamic acid and other nutrients, and has a strong tonic function.[Method for human consumption] After recovery from warm water immersion, it can be used for frying and mixing cold food.[Mushrooms] alias: winter mushrooms, chrysanthemum mushrooms. It is the encarpium of fungus planted mushroom. Rich in fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and other ingredients, fresh and delicious in taste. It bears the functions ofeliminating phlegmand regulating qi,invigoratingkidney andneutralizing body.[Method for human consumption] After recovery from warm water immersion, it can be used for frying or braising soup.[Osmunda] alias:cowhair Canton,cowhair Guangdong. It grows in the forestwetlands, forest edge, and bushes. Rich in carotenoids, vitamins and various minerals. It plays highlyauxiliary and ameliorative role inrheumatism,rheumatoid arthritisand numbness in limbs.[Method for human consumption] After recovery from water boiling and thenwater soaking, it can be used for frying or pickling.[Pteridium aquilinum] alias: fist vegetables. Purely natural green food in Changbai Mountain. It grows in sun-exposed hillside, forest edge and glade, and has delicious taste. Rich in protein, fat and various vitamins. It bears the functions of relieving heat and removing dampness,anti-swelling andtranquilizing.[Method for human consumption] After recovery from water boiling and thenwater soaking, it can be used for frying or pickling.[Hericium mushroom] alias: Hystrix bacteria, hedgehog fungi. It grows up in the live wood, fallen wood, or rotten wood ofbroadleaved trees, belonging to natural green food. Rich in protein, fat and various vitamins. It bears the functions of helping with digestion,invigoratingfive organs, and anti-cancer. It is an ideal health food for tables.[Method for human consumption] After recovery from water boiling and thenwater soaking, it can be used for frying or stewing.[Yuan mushroom] alias: frozen mushrooms, winter mushrooms. A delicious delicacy among Changbai Mountain edible fungi. It grows in the fallen wood, dead standing wood, or stumps ofbroadleaved trees such aslinden. Purely natural green food. Rich in protein, fat and various vitamins. It also bears the functions ofexpelling wind anddispelling coldness, relaxing gluten andinvigorating luo.[Method for human consumption] After recovery from warm water immersion, it can be used for frying, stewing or braising soup.[Hygiene License No.] Ji Hygiene Food License Character (2007) No.SC0011[Executive Standard]Q/JLLS13-2009[Product Specifications] 100grams/box[Storage] Sealed, keep in shade and anti-moth.Manufacturer: LISHENGYUAN BlOLOGlCAL PRODUCT CO.,LTD OF JlLIN PROVlNCEAddress: No.58, Lishengyuan St., Dahu Dist., Linjiang City, Jilin ProvinceSales Hotlines:(0439)5251988Fax:(0439)5250888