蘑菇,清香溢人,采摘食用后,口感鮮美,味道極佳。由于產(chǎn)量極少,被地方官員做為進(jìn)貢食品,供皇宮享用,隨著科學(xué)的發(fā)展,今天,人們對其成份進(jìn)行鑒定后證實(shí),毛尖蘑所含氨基酸、蛋白質(zhì)、微量元素等是普通蘑菇的幾倍至幾十倍,被人們稱為“素中之肉”、“蘑菇之圣”,毛尖蘑生長的環(huán)境無法復(fù)制,因此人工無法栽培,產(chǎn)量極其有限。即使在大興安嶺毛尖蘑也是饋贈親友的貴重禮品,而不是普通老百姓的桌上餐。包裝后外銷的,每兩價格在五十元以上,很少有半斤以上的規(guī)格.是人們饋贈送親朋的最佳禮品。 白樺樹皮盒裝、干品。Maojian Mushroom is a kind of wild edible fungus which only grows in the Great Khingan of China. Owing to the special growing environment, long incubation time, and very small outputs, Maojian Mushroom is designated by the name of “Golden Mushroom” for its impossibility of being cultured artificially. With its delicious taste, fine and smooth mouth-feeling, and its rarity, Maojian Mushroom is extolled as the highest grade in the Mushroom Family as well as an decent present.