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【中文摘要】 本研究采用種質標記法,以可出菇的交配基因型為遺傳標記,以胞外酶種類,對底物專一性及酶活為生化標記,通過對糖苷酶的篩選進行育種。香雜26號是帶有種質標記的新菌株,遺傳標記:A14B13×A1B2,生化標記:內源纖維素酶酶活:45mm及外源纖維二糖酶酶活:45mm。香雜26號與親本No.8.No.40酯酶同工酶譜比較,除同源酶帶外分別出現了互補型酶帶譜,顯示出強優(yōu)勢組合的新菌株。生物學特性表明,香雜26溫度適應范圍廣(10~30℃),菌絲生長期短(60天),生物效率高(室內栽培:118.44%比對照No.40增產62.8%,生產中試:90.98%),子實體中型勻稱,柄細而短,傘厚,含水量低。用交配基因型做遺傳標記可將雜交組合控制在可出菇范圍。
【英文摘要】 The germplasm markers was adopted in the study with fruiting mating genotypes used as genetic markers and activities of various extracellular enzymes and their specificity for substrates as biochemical markers in the screening of gluco.sidase for L. edodes breeding. "Hybrid 26" was a new strain bearing A14B13×A1B2 as genetic markers, endo-cellulase activity 45 and exo-ceilobiase activity 45 ("Congo-red" assay) as biochemical markers. Esterase isozyme electrophoresis showed that "Hybrid 26" possessed esterase isozyme zymograms common to parental strains. In addition, there were also complementary bands among them, this indicated that "Hybrid 26" was a new strain from dominant cross combinations. "Hybrid 26" had a wide adaptation range of temperature (10-30℃), short mycelial growing cycle (60 days), high biological efficiency (118.44%) which was 62.8% higher than that of strain No.40. The biological efficiency was 90.98% in pilot production. It produced good quality mushrooms with medium...更多 and uniform size, short stipes, thick flesh and low moisture content. And genetic control of fruiting can be achieved in cross combinations using mating genotype as genetic markers. 還原
【中文關鍵詞】 香菇; 交配基因型; 遺傳標記; 生化標記; 育種
【英文關鍵詞】 Lentinus edodes; Mating genotype; Genetic markers; Biochemical markers; Breeding
【文獻出處】 食用菌學報,Acta Edulis Fungi,編輯部郵箱,1994年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.1994-02-001