【作者】 李敏; 田亞賓; 閆偉;
【Author】 LI Min1,TIAN Ya-bin1,YAN Wei 2(1.College of Life Science and Technology of Inner Mongolia Normal University,Huhhot InnerMongolia 010022; 2.Forestry college of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Huhhot InnerMongolia 010019)
【機構】 內蒙古師范大學生命科學與技術學院; 內蒙古農業(yè)大學林學院;
【摘要】 研究了5種金屬離子Fe2+、Zn2+、Ca2+、Cu2+、Mg2+對蒙古口蘑的菌體生長及胞外多糖的影響。結果表明,在培養(yǎng)基中添加5種金屬離子Fe2+、Zn2+、Ca2+、Mg2+和Cu2+,對菌體的生長都有一定的抑制作用,但卻都能提高胞外多糖的產量,促進作用依次為Zn2+>Fe2+>Ca2+>Cu2+>Mg2+,最大比對照分別提高了280.3%、160.5%、83.6%、52.6%和19.2%。
【Abstract】 The effects of metal ions on mycelium growth and extracellular polysaccharide production of Tricholoma mongolicum during fermentation were studied.The results indicated that all of five metal ions including Fe2+,Zn2+,Ca2+,Mg2+ and Cu2+ could inhibit mycelium growth.However,they could promote polysaccharide production,and 52.6%,83.6%,280.3%,160.5% and 19.2% were increased by respectively compared with the control with the order of Zn2+>Fe2+>Ca2+>Cu2+>Mg2+.
【關鍵詞】 金屬離子; 蒙古口蘑; 胞外多糖;
【Key words】 Metal ions; Tricholoma mongolicum; Extracellular polysaccharide;
【基金】 教育部高等學??萍紕?chuàng)新工程重大項目培育資金項目(No.707014);內蒙古師范大學引進高層次人才科研啟動經費項目(GCRC09017)